On January 25 and 26, the critically acclaimed play ‘’Remember This: The Lesson of Jan Karski,” starring Oscar-nominated David Strathairn, premiered in Warsaw and was enthusiastically embraced. During its Polish performances, the Karski Foundation and the Taube Center co-hosted two workshops on inclusive education and the role of the arts in driving social engagement and change. The workshops were led by Clark Young, the play’s co-author, Ijeoma Njaka, an Inclusive Pedagogy Specialist at Georgetown University, and Madeleine Claire Kelley, Karski Project Manager.
Shtetl Routes Network Incubator – Lublin
Between November 15 – 17, the Taube Center, in partnership with Brama Grodzka (Grodzka Gate) co-ran a special training program as part of the MDLDE,