Become #TJHTalks' Patron


#TJHTalks is a popular webinar series dedicated to Jewish culture, history and identity. Made together with the most prominent members of the global Jewish community, our sessions educate, inform and inspire a loyal group of viewers from all over the world.


19 regular and 3 special, collaborative webinars


81% from US

YouTube news

over 50,000 watched hours

What are #TJHTalks?

​​#TJHTalks is our monthly webinar featuring pre-eminent scholars and cultural icons from around the world discussing Polish Jewish history and contemporary issues. Each episode is streamed live and is later available on our Youtube channel. Our goal is to spark thought-provoking conversations and allow participants to ask questions and exchange insights.

The Taube Center launched #TJHTalks in April 2020 as a way of staying in touch with its tour participants during the pandemic and expanding its mission of educating about Jewish Poland, past and present. The program is drawing international audiences and averages over 500 attendees per broadcast, making it one of the most attended ongoing webinars dedicated to Jewish history and culture.

Why Become a Patron

Joining us on Patreon is the easiest way to become a part of the #TJHTalks team. By supporting our webinar, you play a crucial role in bringing quality Jewish education to audiences from all over the world.

You also get access to unique rewards and perks:

Thank you note on the closing screen of each of our webinars for active Patrons.

All of the above

A joint 30-min debrief session with Taube Center’s team, including our own Helise Lieberman

Thank you note on the opening screen of each of our webinars for active Patrons.

All of the above

A personalized one-on-one session with a member of the Taube Center’s team

Digital copy of our most popular publications: 

  • 1000 Years of Jewish Life in Poland: a Timeline
  • A FIeld Guide to Jewish Warsaw.

All of the above

A personalized thank you note at the beginning of the webinar read by our host, Helise Lieberman.

A dedicated genealogy session with one of our researchers

Hard copies of our most popular publications sent to you via mail / courier:

  • 1000 Years of Jewish Life in Poland: a Timeline
  • A FIeld Guide to Jewish Warsaw.

Who are the speakers of #TJHTalks?

#TJHTalks brings together a diverse group of academics, educators and people involved with culture. From rabbis, through writers and historians, to movie directors, our speakers and moderators create a space for learning, sharing, and exchanging opinions.

Michael Schudrich,
Chief Rabbi of Poland
Deborah Lipstadt,
Professor of Modern Jewish History
Dariusz Stola,
Historian of 20th Century Polish History
Michael W. Twitty,
Culinary Historian and Food Writer
Samuel Kassow,
Professor of History
Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett,
Chief Curator of the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews
Zygmunt Stępiński,
Director of the POLIN Museum
of the History of Polish Jews
Natalia Aleksiun,
Professor of Modern Jewish History
Glenn Dynner,
Author and Historian,
Chair of the Religion Department at Sarah Lawrence College
Jeffrey Yoskowitz,
Food Entrepreneur and Cookbook Author
Marcin Wodziński,
Researcher and Historian,
Chair of the Taube Department of Jewish Studies at the University of Wroclaw
Tomasz Cebulski,
Genealogist, Author, and Guide
Christopher R. Browning,
Professor of History and Author
Agnieszka Holland,
Movie Director
Antony Polonsky,
Professor of Holocaust Studies
Leah Koenig,
Culinary Author and Writer
Marci Shore,
Professor of History
Shachar Pinsker,
Professor of Judaic Studies and Middle East Studies
Katja Goldman,
Cookbook Author and the Unof­fi­cial Chal­lah Teacher of the Upper West Side
Paweł Sawicki,
Auschwitz Memorial Press Office
Thorsten Wagner,
Historian and the Executive Director of FASPE
Joy Levitt,
Executive Director at JCC Manhattan
David Fligg,
Nancy Sinkoff,
Professor of Jewish Studies and History
Havi Dreifuss,
Professor of Jewish History
Edward Serotta,
Director of CENTROPA
Ann Toback,
CEO of the Workers Circle
Paul Salmons,
Independent Curator and Educator
Roberta Grossman,
Movie Director
Adam Teller,
Professor of History and Judaic Studies