The Jerusza (Heb. Inheritance) program, which is completing its second year is a platform for young professionals working in Jewish cultural and educationa institutions in Poland. The program enables participants to expand their leadership skills, share best practices, and develop new approaches to Jewish education. The project, managed by Taube Center’s educational consultant, Marta Eichelberger Jankowska, was created by the Taube Center in response to a need expressed by professional themselves for a program crafted specifically for Polish Jews and in Polish.
Yerusha is currently supported by a grant from the Dutch Jewish Humanitarian Fund and by a donation from Sandra and Larry Small.
For more information on the program, please contact: Marta Eichelberger-Jankowska
The introductory and integration sessions allowed us to open up towards the group and to build trust towards the program participants. (...)
I understood how to build awareness within the Jewish Community by strengthening its identity and one's personal, individual involvement in this process.Agnieszka Kocur-Smoleń, Education and Programming Director of JCC Kraków