

Guest Speakers:
Ruth Ellen Gruber, Piotr Puchta, Victor Sorenssen
moderated by
Helise Lieberman

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Foundation for the Preservation of Jewish Heritage in Poland (FODZ)

Please visit the FODZ Website: http://www.fodz.pl/ and its fanpage https://www.facebook.com/fodz.poland to find out about ways of getting involved in Jewish heritage preservation.  

Piotr Puchta, Director: piotr.puchta@fodz.pl

Marta Jankowska: m.jankowska@fodz.pl.

Adopt a Jewish Cemetery Project, a program co-organized by FODZ and American Friends of Jewish Heritage in Poland: Fundacja Ochrony Dziedzictwa Żydowskiego: https://fodz.pl/?d=5&id=101&l=en

Coalition of Guardians of Jewish Cemeteries in Poland:  https://cmentarzezydowskie.org/en/

Virtual Tour of the Lancut Synagogue: https://www.skanowanie.xyz/synagoga_lancut

Webinar: Restoring Jewish Cemeteries of Poland 2021: The Task Ahead, which will take place on July 1,2021: https://jewishheritagepoland.org/conference.html


  1. Baer, Ytzhak. A History of The Jews In Christian Spain
  2. Bertele, Esther and Zieseme, John (eds). Jüdische Friedhöfe und Bestattungskultur in Europa/Jewish Cemeteries and Burial Culture in Europe. Berlin: ICOMOS, 2011 || AVAILABLE HERE
  3. Borsky, Maros. Synagogue Architecture in Slovakia: A Memorial Landscape of a Lost Community. Bratislava, 2007
  4. Ed. CohenMushlin, Aliza; Thies, Harmen, H. Jewish Architecture in Europe, publication for Bet Tfila, Research Unit for Jewish Architecture in Europe
  5. Ed. Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Barbara; Polonsky: Antony. Polin, 1000 Year History of Polish Jews, Museum of the History of Polish Jews
  6. Gruber, Ruth Ellen. National Geographic Jewish Heritage Travel: A Guide to Eastern Europe. Washington DC, 2007
  7. Grubner, Samuel; Myers, Phyllis. Survey of Historic Jewish Monuments in Poland a Report of the United States Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad, Revised Second Edition, 1995 
  8. Ed. Holtzman, Ada. The Jewish Cemetery of Warta (D’vort) Documentation Made in the Year of 2000, Cemeteries Documentation, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 2006
  9. Kadish, Sharman. The Synagogues of Britain and Ireland: An Architectural and Social History. The Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, 2007    
  10. Klein, Rudolf. Metropolitan Jewish Cemeteries of the 19th and 20th Centuries in Central and Eastern Europe: A Comparative Study. Imhof Verlag, 2018 
  11. Krajewska, Monika. A Tribe of Stones: Jewish Cemeteries in Poland. Polish Scientific Publishers, Warsaw, 1993
  12. Trzciński, Andrzej. The Jewish Cemetery in Wielkie Oczy, Wielkie Oczy Foundation Publishing, White Plains, New York
  13. Leigh, Jeremy. Jewish Journeys
  14. Lowney, Chris. A Vanished World
  15. Malkin, Yaakov. Secular Jewish Culture
  16. Piechotka, Maria and Kazimierz. Heaven’s Gates; Wooden Synagogues in the Territories of Former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Krupski i S-ka, Warsaw 2004
  17. Shtetl Routes: Travel Through the Forgotten Continent, Ośrodek Brama Grodzka Teatr NN.PL, AVAILABLE HERE
  18. Traverso, Enzo. The End of Jewish Modernity
  19. Wiśniewski, Tomasz. Synagogues and Jewish Communities in the Białystok Region, David, Bialystok 1992 


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SAVE THE DATE! Join us for an unforgettable journey through Jewish Poland with the Taube Center’s next Taube Jewish Heritage Tour between June 29 –July 6, 2025! . Although it’s a year away, we are already working hard to prepare the best tour possible. Explore, learn, and connect with a rich heritage that spans centuries. For more information, please write to: amakuch@taubecenter.org
Stay tuned for more details, and make sure to mark your calendars!

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Field Guide to Jewish Warsaw

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