Wednesday, May 5, 2021
Foundation for the Preservation of Jewish Heritage in Poland (FODZ)
Please visit the FODZ Website: http://www.fodz.pl/ and its fanpage https://www.facebook.com/fodz.poland to find out about ways of getting involved in Jewish heritage preservation.
Piotr Puchta, Director: piotr.puchta@fodz.pl
Marta Jankowska: m.jankowska@fodz.pl.
Adopt a Jewish Cemetery Project, a program co-organized by FODZ and American Friends of Jewish Heritage in Poland: Fundacja Ochrony Dziedzictwa Żydowskiego: https://fodz.pl/?d=5&id=101&l=en
Coalition of Guardians of Jewish Cemeteries in Poland: https://cmentarzezydowskie.org/en/
Virtual Tour of the Lancut Synagogue: https://www.skanowanie.xyz/synagoga_lancut
Webinar: Restoring Jewish Cemeteries of Poland 2021: The Task Ahead, which will take place on July 1,2021: https://jewishheritagepoland.org/conference.html
- Baer, Ytzhak. A History of The Jews In Christian Spain
- Bertele, Esther and Zieseme, John (eds). Jüdische Friedhöfe und Bestattungskultur in Europa/Jewish Cemeteries and Burial Culture in Europe. Berlin: ICOMOS, 2011 || AVAILABLE HERE
- Borsky, Maros. Synagogue Architecture in Slovakia: A Memorial Landscape of a Lost Community. Bratislava, 2007
- Ed. Cohen–Mushlin, Aliza; Thies, Harmen, H. Jewish Architecture in Europe, publication for Bet Tfila, Research Unit for Jewish Architecture in Europe
- Ed. Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Barbara; Polonsky: Antony. Polin, 1000 Year History of Polish Jews, Museum of the History of Polish Jews
- Gruber, Ruth Ellen. National Geographic Jewish Heritage Travel: A Guide to Eastern Europe. Washington DC, 2007
- Grubner, Samuel; Myers, Phyllis. Survey of Historic Jewish Monuments in Poland a Report of the United States Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad, Revised Second Edition, 1995
- Ed. Holtzman, Ada. The Jewish Cemetery of Warta (D’vort) Documentation Made in the Year of 2000, Cemeteries Documentation, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 2006
- Kadish, Sharman. The Synagogues of Britain and Ireland: An Architectural and Social History. The Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, 2007
- Klein, Rudolf. Metropolitan Jewish Cemeteries of the 19th and 20th Centuries in Central and Eastern Europe: A Comparative Study. Imhof Verlag, 2018
- Krajewska, Monika. A Tribe of Stones: Jewish Cemeteries in Poland. Polish Scientific Publishers, Warsaw, 1993
- Trzciński, Andrzej. The Jewish Cemetery in Wielkie Oczy, Wielkie Oczy Foundation Publishing, White Plains, New York
- Leigh, Jeremy. Jewish Journeys
- Lowney, Chris. A Vanished World
- Malkin, Yaakov. Secular Jewish Culture
- Piechotka, Maria and Kazimierz. Heaven’s Gates; Wooden Synagogues in the Territories of Former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Krupski i S-ka, Warsaw 2004
- Shtetl Routes: Travel Through the Forgotten Continent, Ośrodek Brama Grodzka Teatr NN.PL, AVAILABLE HERE
- Traverso, Enzo. The End of Jewish Modernity
- Wiśniewski, Tomasz. Synagogues and Jewish Communities in the Białystok Region, David, Bialystok 1992
1,000 Years of Jewish Life in Poland: A Timeline
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Field Guide to Jewish Warsaw
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